The product will be delivered to the customer as an admixture material which reduces the cement demand of the final concrete mix (by at least 5% by mass replacement). The integration of the material significantly reduces the CO2 footprint of the final concrete product. In addition to the significant CO2 reduction provided by the product, it is being designed to improve the final performance of the material with respect to the following performance characteristics:
a. CO2 footprint reduction of the final concrete material by at least 30% while working towards carbon neutral. This is achieved via:
- Increased volume of the final material for a given mass
- Replacing a percentage of the cement
- Sequestered atmospheric carbon within the admixture material contributing to further CO2 reductions via embedded offsets
b. Improvement in the thermal insulative performance
c. Improvement in the acoustic insulative performance
d. Increased durability – this is attributed to the following
- Reduced water permeability / reduction in depth of water penetration
- Reduction in chloride migration through the material
- Reduction in material degradation due to acid attack
- Reduction in carbonation due to CO2 penetration / acidification
e. Resistance to elevated temperatures / increased fire resistance
f. Fresh concrete properties shall not be affected from the use of our material
g. Final strength characteristics (compressive, flexural) shall not be negatively affected by the use of our material